1. Magelssen, C., Rich, B., & Mayer, K. (2022) The contractual governance of transactions within firms. Organization Science.

  • Available to read HERE.


Working Papers

1. Rich, B. Automated Contracts and the Lawyers Who Don’t Review Them: Adoption and Use of Machine Learning Technology. Under review at Organization Science.

  • Winner of the best student paper prize, AOM TIM Division (2021).

1. Rich, B., Raveendhran, R., & Mayer, K. “Acquisition but not Adoption: Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization in the Legal Context.”

  • Nominated for best paper prize at SMS Berkeley Special Conference (2020).

2. Rich, B., Mayer, K., & Raj, M. “Burn Me Once: Governance Changes Following Contract Violations.”

In Progress

1. (data analysis) Magelssen, C., Rich, B., & Mayer, K. Examining assumptions in transaction cost economics and property rights theory by comparing internal and external contracts using unsupervised machine learning. Rich 2

2. (writing) Rich, B., Mahalingam, A., Higgins, M., Zenger, T. Control rights in dynamic networks.

3. (writing) Rich, B. Examining the effects of start-ups’ strategic choice for exploration versus exploitation and founding team specialists versus generalists on performance.

4. (data collection) Rich, B. Does the market for legal services reflect quality or reputation?


Rich, B. (2018) “How AI is Changing Contracts.” Harvard Business Review (online).

  • Available to read HERE.

Book Chapters

1. Mayer, K. & Rich, B. (2020) “Developing Dynamic Capabilities: Identifying and Bridging Capability Gaps.” The Oxford Handbook of Dynamic Capabilities. Oxford Univ. Press: New York.

2. Rich, B., Weber, L., & Bauman, C. (2022) “Security and Optimism in Contracts in the Digital Age.” Research Handbook on Contract Design. Edward Elgar: New York.

Law Journal Publications

Rich, B. (2010) “Tracking AB 540’s Potential Resilience: An Analysis of In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students in Light of Martinez v. Regents of University of California.”19 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Social Justice 297.